Valitus Technologies, Inc.
Is from the Latin term, meaning: Be strong/Powerful/influential/Healthy. To Prevail.
Be Strong – Products built to operate in extreme weather conditions.
Powerful – Multi sensor/AI Analytics/Advanced Warning Detection/Energy Efficiency.
Influential – Empowering our employees and customers with the information and skills to improve.
Healthy – Low Energy consumption and environmentally safe.
The approach to keeping our country safe has been marked by an increase in high-tech real time detection, Identification, Quantification and localization of emerging threats. These threats continue to affect our freedoms and our way of life, it is the goal of small businesses like ours to continue the growing pace of interdiction sensors and platforms
that help in the efforts to meet the need of shared intelligence at all levels of security-based agencies. Through real-time networks, advanced communications systems, artificial intelligence (AI), for the purpose of real time awareness, early warning detection and advanced notification from safe distances, we can potentially save the lives of first responders and security forces stationed to protect our communities from being attacked.
Valitus Technologies was formed in 2015 with a mission to increase security in public, government and high occupancy spaces with multiple THREAT DETECTION technologies without the interruption of everyday life. Our executive team has decades of experience in the physical security industry and working with State, Local and Federal agencies around the world.
These technologies including the following:
· High Definition 360° situation aware day/night video
· Analytic AI advanced warning software
· Radiation detection
· Video Forensic recording.
· Multi-Sensor fusion edge devices
· LED Lighting
· Solar and wind power
We are partnered with multiple security designed manufacturers that supply us with the materials to build a unique an esthetic appealing edge device.